Clear sight

 Some of us are born with clear sight, others learn it from experience. Either way it is the same thing. Like wearing glasses when short sighted, what was a confused mess of colours and lights before is now clear with no effort. In fact it is natural, as otherwise it is like looking through clouds. These create illusions, nearly all made deliberately by your opponents or outright enemies, as it is the only way they can get people to follow their ghastly wishes which would otherwise be rejected outright.

Over the last few years I have discovered there is a large section of society who are figuratively blind to reality. They fall into to clear groups, those who have been led to believe a lie, and then ignore all the truth when it is shown to them, and those who vote for a policy or buy a product which is harmful to themselves, and can't see it in advance (where it is obvious, like driving off a cliff as you rely on GPS rather than your own eyes) and only find out the truth when it is too late.

I will give a few examples, but they are irrelevant in details as they are all versions of the same two phenomena which can be endlessly interchanged. Solar panels cost from £5-8000 for a standard home array. They take from 10-20+ years to pay back the money in savings (even when paid huge subsidies when returning unused energy to the grid). Look around Britain and see how many people have willingly shelled out money they often could barely afford, knowing for a fact few if any would get their money back ever, especially after inflation, but they all went ahead and did it. Governments worldwide spent billions (of our money) on wind farms, which can only generate randomly, need constant backup, and wear out after 10-20 years, needing vast amounts of steel and concrete to build them, let alone the huge areas of land which pay landowners a fortune for doing so, as well as the turbine owners when they don't generate power. But the British voters voted unanimously for them as every single party in Britain supports spending our money on them. They are inherently worthless.

It is all based on confusion and illusion, combined with levels of immaturity, ego and stupidity. It has always been infinitely better to learn from other people's mistakes than try them yourself, knowing what happened before, but expecting it to be different. People take heroin, drive drunk, invest fortunes in unknown companies on promises of huge interest, and the results are the same 99% of the time, but it doesn't ever stop the same proportion of fucking idiots doing it and believe me, you can't put them off, they think they are too clever for it to happen to them.

Taking this from the physical to the spiritual level, little is clear or obvious there otherwise we'd all know it. For reasons built into the system it has to be found, and the illusions are removed best by listening to people who have figured them out already. Interpreting weird stuff tends to have a best explanation, especially when it happens frequently ruling out coincidence. If you read the 3D world in this way you'll then see the hand of god, for want of a better word, and then realise it must be with you 100% of the time if it's ready to make your foot slip on the accelerator when someone was about to pull out of a side road and hit where you would have been if you hadn't slipped. Like a bodyguard, you have to follow someone around constantly to be able to protect them if they need it.

Being about clear sight, it should be clear what I am saying, and adding more which is not necessary would make it more complicated. The best teachers (as Eric Pepin confirmed live to me last week) simplify what others make complicated, allowing years of learning being able to be conveyed in hours of teaching. In the end if a spirit guide came out of the shadows and revealed themselves to you directly you'd never need to read a single book about it again as you'd already know, and then just work to improve your own abilities. But the way it's currently set up you have to put in your own share of the work just to have this chance, but they are constantly giving us messages as our own thoughts, and moving us to situations we need to be in.


  1. Hi Davic, can you contact me at


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