Evidence of the supernatural

 The spiritual world is no different from the physical world in that it needs evidence before we can be aware of it. Its existence is hidden by its nature, hence to even imagine it exists at all (many people claim it doesn't) we need some examples and clues that it does.

I have already linked to a number of these here. I will summarise my own entire collection here so everyone can have access to it. Some have been witnessed directly while others are corroborating evidence.

I have described the nature of these items, as covering basically the dream scene where anything is possible. There are no limits and everything is 100% flexible. Also, once you've seen the spirit leak through into our physical world it suggests it is there totally, not just a few flashes some people see in their lifetimes if they're lucky enough to.

I will list them in no particular order, besides partly the order I personally experienced them in. If I have no direct evidence for something, like levitation, I will not include it.


I am personally skeptical about this, and have found even considering it diverts us from the present, in fact it's not needed to know and does not help us if we do, as if there is a disaster coming our way we were not meant to be affected by we won't be. Otherwise my experience tells me firstly a premonition something bad is happening and as a result we can avoid it sets up a very likely waste of effort, as very few premonitions have ever come to pass (I have looked extensively). But what I could do was pick up what had already been decided and feel it very strongly, especially something bad which has such an oppressive feeling it's hard to miss.

I felt many of my exam results before they came in the post, and if there was any bad news I'd usually pick it up walking home up the road before I got there. I was rarely wrong. Once I was trained in clairvoyance (it's basic and only needed one lesson) it was an easy skill we all have and one which many animals use all the time. I can easily tune into people's energy, firstly by feeling, again especially strongly if they are bad, and then their minds and feelings. Tuning in to another person is simply doing a Spock style mind meld and sharing their aura, which again is actually a very basic and scientific ability most people should be able to do, and confidence increases with practice once you get used to it.


I have written my own experiences of guidance in great detail, plus those of other people, which all correspond with the same format. I would say the best way to gather evidence for this is to know the formula, then see it in your own lives, including interpreting past events. If it happens a few times it's coincidence. If it keeps happening it can't be.

Seeing energy:

This is as basic and natural as clairvoyance as the energy is already there and all we learn to do is extend our visual spectrum to see what was always there. US infra-red footage has just been released of UFOs which weren't visible to the pilots at the time but were clearly seen by the cameras. The interesting part is not that we can see auras and energy in the air, as everything gives off some sort of electrical field and energy is universal, even in a vacuum (check up dark matter for physics finally working it out), but what else lurks in there. More advanced viewers than myself (I can barely manage it at will) say they go on to see solid objects such as walls become energy and vibrate and melt in front of them. But the most interesting part is the (as yet anecdotal) evidence it is populated by other frequency living beings who many do claim to have seen.

However, there is some scientific evidence behind this, as the old LSD trials in America sent the volunteers on a walk and most saw the same entities and objects in the same places, suggesting that they were not really hallucinating at all, but were seeing another reality superimposed on our own.

Life after death:

I have, and continue to collect stories of near death experiences (you do not need to be near death to have them). The common features, shared to a point with conventional out of body experiences which rarely cross the boundary that they do, are seeing and recalling exactly details while they were brain dead and not where the people and places were which they saw and heard. Secondly the regular stories of merging with God, and not just knowing everything in one go (as time does not exist) but in at least one case saying they had not learnt it from new, but realised they knew it before and were just remembering it) points the most clearly to our true natures.

Our awareness is above our bodies and minds, and various examples suggest it is universal, then individuated to our personal frequencies (which are unique, like a telephone number) and collected by our current body. The only reason we are aware of no more without efforts to do so is because most people are designed to forget their arrival and pre-arrival process as it would spoil the lessons they have come here to do. But their natural talents and wisdom, especially with children who are far too young to know these things suggests they must have been born carrying them already. And many do clearly remember their past lives with corroborative evidence.

Anyone who has had a near death experience knows our consciousness is eternal and is not created by the brain but projected to it as a part of the infinite consciousness which is everything and outside time and space. But as they are unable to convey it to anyone else it is something we may all discover through meditation.


Quantum physics has already started to confirm most major powers (bilocation, teleportation and telepathy) exist at quantum level, and as all matter is built on quantum particles then everything is founded on it. The double slit experiment confirms scientifically that our observation changes physical events at the quantum level, therefore if we learn how it should be natural to use our minds to interact with matter and use it to change its structure at will, the creative power. I have seen Uri Geller hold a heavy spoon by suspending it from the tip of the handle letting the bowl hang down and gently stroke it, and it bent. He doesn't stand on the stage, he walks into the audience and shows us all directly. A woman had a bunch of keys, and held up a heavy door key which had also bent around 45'. I also went to a talk where the speaker could produce scented oil from his hands. He couldn't have had anything up his sleeve as he had short sleeves, yet stood at the front of the room and we all came up and took some oil from the palm of his hand which hadn't been there until he said he was going to try and produce it. It is currently one of the rarest powers for obvious reasons, but again, if it is possible then it's universal if only as a potential.


A lot of my work has been with UFOs as I regress alleged abductees, but doing that will never mean you are likely to see your own, but the evidence they provide of abduction, and better their experiences and who they meet there, and the fact many come back with knowledge and abilities they didn't have before, and some able to contact their abductees directly to continue producing genuine scientific, astronomical and historical evidence is impossible to dismiss, especially as a number of them correspond even though none had met each other previously. I have seen two UFOs clearly and a few light flashes etc. as well, the two I did see were in bright sunlight on main roads in Surrey, but the first was before I carried a digital camera but would have made one of the best ever photos, a double square lozenge about 10-15' hanging about 20-30' above the M25 entrance in Leatherhead. It was matt black and just hanging in the air not moving for the whole time I saw it before passing it in the car as a passenger. My father was driving at the time so was looking at the traffic. Only a kite could have looked even close to that but would not have been that size and would have moved at least a little. The second was on the A316 in Ashford, and too small to show on a photo. It was a transparent dumbell shape, around a foot long with a ball at each end, and spinning constantly on its access rising up about 50' in a figure of eight shape and coming back down in a shape of an 8 approximately 40' from the ground as you could measure it from the top of the houses. This was some time before anything but the most basic drones, and as far as I know you can't get drones without propellors which are able to spin while they are flying, so it remains unexplained.


This will shift as the evidence grows, but as I stated before, if there's a little of it we are aware of then it's everywhere. There are plenty more you can read in books with corroborative evidence, such as the obstetrician who drove a 3 hour journey to the hospital in half an hour to deliver a baby, all documented in the hospital's medical records. It appears our physical world is infinitely flexible and able to be shifted and manipulated by higher powers in order to organise our chosen lessons down here, and when we are ready we are able to join in this process and overlap with the spiritual dimensions.

It is not cheating if we evolve to shape our environments, travel by thinking ourselves there, speaking to entities directly using telepathy and being directly aware of God and eternal life and other dimensions. In fact if this is as it seems our true nature than it would be a sin to deny our awareness of it. Looking back at all the great teachers none were either willing nor able to show anyone enough direct proof of the higher levels, many as they simply had no way of doing so, and if they did either feared for their lives if the general public were made aware of this, or were taught as a secret. I believe this era has ended, and the time has come now for everyone to know it, which will mean the teachers who do know this directly will be both able and permitted to do so. It is about time, as the general level of humanity today are destroying each other and need to be stopped before they ruin all our lives. Enlightenment and awakening are the doors to true freedom.


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