The benefits of spiritual teaching.


Science is gradually catching up with thousands of years of spiritual teaching, discovering the statement we are only aware of a few percent of reality confirmed by the awareness of dark matter. Quantum physics also confirmed 3D physics does not exist at quantum level, with bilocation, quantum jumping, the observer effect and remote influencing is all real, meaning our dimension is not really made up of matter and space which needs to be travelled around directly below the speed of light, but objects can move from A to B without going between them, effects can be picked up at any difference simultaneously, with no delay from the speed of light, and objects can teleport there as well. This demonstrates a small amount of powers which spiritual teaching works towards.
Most people are happy with the way things are, and are not interested in looking beyond what they can see and touch directly, and dismiss it as being imaginary. If anything unexplained happens to them they call it a coincidence, or mistake, and don't believe it represents anything real.
To the remainder who often feel they need more, especially if their life has been very successful and they still feel something is missing. Many end up taking drugs, while others look for what it is in the spiritual area.
We can start with our dreams. Clearly anything is possible there. It may be a mess and generally pointless, but if nothing else expands our imagination as to what it could be like flying, meeting aliens or walking through walls. In fact every one of these, plus every one you can think of and the others you can't think of are real. Spiritual teaching covers everything from feeling far better than you would otherwise (aimed at directly by taking drugs, but harmfully), to psychic powers and meeting extra-dimensional beings and time travel.
Of course if this was easy we could all learn it at school, but all require going directly against our physical being, as our body itself is grounded in 3D and its five senses. But our minds contain the 6th sense, knowing/feeling, or intuition, which, especially when practiced, is the easiest, and the one most of us use all the time without often realising it. It is why animals run to the door before their owners arrive, and know which visitors they like or hate. They don't have the capacity to analyse their abilities, it is as clear to them as our own direct senses.

On top of expanding our natural intuition, the next 'minor' power (as it is easy and something most people can learn quickly) is telepathy or clairvoyance, which are two sides of the same thing. Telepathy is harder as it involves passing clear messages between two people, while clairvoyance is any example where you tune in, deliberately or naturally, to any other frequency, whether an object, person or different location. I have provided lessons for this already. Seeing auras is based on expanding your visual spectrum, and once you've seen them, and energy in the air, you know they're always there and probably a lot more as well.

The major powers involve both manipulating physical matter with your mind, much like Uri Geller, levitating, translocation, out of body experiences, communicating with other dimensions both telepathically and visually, being given 'downloads', where you are given an entire file of information, including many great musical works of the past, and time travel. There are endless stories of time slips, where people find themselves in the past, with old buildings and people they can later confirm were there at some point in the past, or where people disappear and either spend a few minutes there but return days later or vice versa. Time is only relative and passes at different speeds in different dimensions.

The information is often claimed to have inspired geniuses like Tesla, where scientific information is known with little training or experimentation, and is seen to work. In fact our world right here could be infinitely better had such discoveries not been hidden or destroyed by the establishment who are terrified of free cures or energy as they feel it would threaten their businesses, although if they benefited from free energy and good health they would be better off as well. Spiritual work may connect you with such sources and you may be the one who can again channel this well known ancient information.

The ultimate two ends are discovering god and immortality. We know the body is mortal and nearly everyone comes here without any memory of life before birth, but most have no memory before they were a few years old but know they were here. If the practices allow you to see where we go after the body dies, or return memories before life here then there is no concern of physical death as we know we carry on elsewhere, and enlightenment, descried as god-realisation, speaks for itself. Even atheists can't hide if they are spoken to by god directly, and anyone searching actively will normally find a few hints if nothing else. Even most 3D characters are still scared of death even if they aren't concerned about god, and would change their lives entirely if they experienced the other side, as all do who have near-death experiences, which aren't based on your personal views.

If there are any other areas or details here it is the largest area of all, so please ask me.


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