The nature of God

 Ultimately all spirituality has a root and final goal, and behind all its elements is the common factor. All powers come from a single source, whether seen as scientific as in quantum physics, or spiritual. But if physics is only an expression of nature, then what is behind nature? The double slit experiment proves our awareness affects quantum physics, therefore awareness is above the physical.

This then affirms the idea that our consciousness is above the physical, and can be used to affect and interact with it, although this is not normally part of our lives. The guidance element already described here again has to come from somewhere, and means that our guides are both constantly aware of what we are doing, and have full physical power to control the entire field of our lives, like a video game, which to me are god-like powers. As these powers must have a source then that implies it all comes from a single place.

The next clue is from the bible. We are made in the image of God. As Neale Donald Walsch points out, this means we are not small humans and God is a large human, as then God would be made in our image. But we are small versions of God, and as God is everywhere and everything then so are we.

Of course there is a learning aspect to this. Even if we are an element (which in itself is an illusion as a drop of water is not part of the ocean, as there is only one ocean) of God, being omnipotent and infinite it can be split into as many parts as it needs at the time, and can always grow and learn more. Experience itself, for example, is infinite. Two days of the same routine for us are impossible to be identical, just like our fingerprints. In fact even two successive minutes are impossible to reproduce. So as experience is infinite then the combinations God wants to experience are endless.

This means there is always more to learn, and if God actually knows it all already the experience element is still always able to grow. As human beings, if we are only consciousness and the body comes and goes as we see, the only element stopping our awareness of our true nature is our wiped memory. People who remember past lives, as well as ones who have out of body and near death experiences, are allowed an element of their true nature, presumably as part of their chosen course before coming here. Certain events will be able to trigger these experiences based on their pre-birth contracts, and apart from evidence of past lives which can be technically confirmed, it is all but impossible to convey both near death or out of body experience to others, only what they saw there. This then leads to our true natures as God, as Anita Moorjani and many others say when they 'died' they did not meet God, but they were God. This affirms the statement that we are small versions of God sent out to gain interesting experiences.

Their descriptions also affirmed the common view. They could be anywhere they wanted by choice, see anything anywhere and knew everything. The limited human consciousness (apart from when enlightened) becomes total and encompasses infinity, combined with the free will of where to place your awareness and attention. Again, it is all but impossible to convey God consciousness to others as it is subjective, but it still gives plenty of good evidence of what we want to know.

Two interesting questions this raises is whether it is cheating to use your powers if you attain them, as if you can repair broken items or heal illnesses then it means nothing which happens in the physical world is real if you can just think it away. The answer should be simple, firstly that unless you can tweak things with your mind, which currently we don't do, everything is very real as physical. And if you can it is the true nature of physics so how can you cheat reality? If and when we leave the 3D world for the infinite, the fact we can build a house with our minds won't make it any worse when we move in to it. The second question is if one person experiences God and finds a way to almost convince others it is true (wasn't Jesus meant to have done this, as well as God showing himself to Moses directly) is that also cheating as it short cuts their normal routes to finding it? Again, if someone is gifted the experience and ability to convey the reality of God to others then not only would it be showing them what is there already, but arguably wrong not to do it if you could. It would simply mean the experiment of humanity had evolved to the point where they moved upwards, otherwise called the End Times, the end of darkness and ignorance. Therefore, when that point comes (and all the signs are here), the ignorance of the direct existence of God will be the level that animals are now to humans. We will shift up to a level where God and powers become part of our normal lives, and teachers will be an essential element of this to allow the process to unfold.

None of this is faith based. The entire view is based on known evidence, and putting it all together provides a full picture that God is made up of all the elements above, and each element has a clue to its existence. All such evidence must have a common source, and if one is true then so must all the others be, confirmed by quantum physics. The fact scientists only believe machines can carry out teleportation and time travel is their ignorance of the prime element of spirituality, or consciousness which has infinite powers. Even though their own experiment confirms it. But whatever machines can do so can we, not as humans but as made in the image of God.


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